Human rights defenders: Persons who, individually or jointly with others, strive to promote and protect civil and political rights, and to achieve the promotion, protection and enjoyment of economic, social, and cultural rights. OHCHR

Human Rights Documentation: A process of systematic and detailed recording of one or more acts, events, and facts involving a possible human rights violation, making it possible to gather and verify information, assist affected persons or groups, and substantiate demands for restitution or reparation of rights, as well as sanctions for those responsible. ILGA

Human Rights First: Code of conduct for all UN officials and personnel to examine and respond to threats of violations of international human rights law, and international humanitarian law. UN

Human Rights Guidelines on Covid-19: OHCHR guidelines establishing recommendations for the implementation of measures in the face of extraordinary events such as the COVID-19 pandemic without disrespecting or violating freedoms and human rights in the name of public health. OHCHR

Human rights violation: A situation that occurs when a State fails to comply with or fulfill its obligations to ensure the full enjoyment and exercise of human rights. HUMANRIGHTS

Humanitarian / development / peace nexus: A common framework and new ways of working for humanitarian and development actors to jointly contribute to collective outcomes that reduce the levels of risk, vulnerability, and need of populations in humanitarian crises, seeking processes of transition between humanitarian operations, and recovery to development. UN

Humanitarian access: Capacity of humanitarian actors to reach crisis-affected populations and the ability of affected populations to access humanitarian assistance and protection. OCHA

Humanitarian action: Protection, assistance and advocacy actions by humanitarian actors on a humane and impartial basis, in response to humanitarian needs resulting from crises, complex emergencies or disasters. OCHA

Humanitarian actors: International and national actors that respond to the humanitarian needs of people affected by a crisis or emergency, following humanitarian principles and protecting their rights. OCHA

Humanitarian architecture: The name was given to the approach and redesign of the response operations of the international humanitarian system under UN coordination from 2005 onwards in order to improve their predictability, speed, and effectiveness in meeting the needs of populations affected by large-scale and severe crises. HIF

Humanitarian assistance: Assistance with humanitarian purposes to meet the physical, material, and legal needs of people in crisis or emergencies. Includes food, medical supplies, clothing, shelter, seeds and tools, basic infrastructure, financial contributions, and services of qualified personnel. UNHCR

Humanitarian charter: Ethical and legal commitments in humanitarian action that guarantee rights and responsibilities for the well-being of people affected by humanitarian crises. SPHERE

Humanitarian coordination: United Nations approach to increase the sum of joint efforts in humanitarian crises, and ensure a coherent response in common strategies, addressing needs, action plans, monitoring progress and mobilizing resources. RW

Humanitarian crisis: The circumstance of high risk to the life, health, well-being or security of a group of people, a community or a population that requires external assistance due to severe fragility or loss of internal capacities to protect human dignity, save lives and mitigate suffering. HC

Humanitarian donor: Public or private actors providing funds or material resources to assist countries affected by humanitarian crises. OECD