Famine: The result of a sequence of processes and events in a large-scale humanitarian crisis that reduces the availability of food or the right to food, causing a significant and widespread increase in morbidity and mortality. SOLIDARITES

FAO Food Price Index: A measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food products. It consists of the average of the price indices of various commodity groups. FAO

Feeding young children in difficult circumstances: Special attention and practical support in feeding young children (premature or low birth weight infants, mothers with HIV, adolescent mothers, malnourished infants and children, and/or families suffering the consequences of complex emergencies. WHO

Femicide: Violent death or murder of women for reasons associated with their gender. WHO

Feminicide: It arises to account for misogyny (hatred of women) in crimes against women for reasons associated with their gender and for the responsibility of the State in favoring impunity for these crimes. ECLAC

Fetal deaths: Fetal death before expulsion or complete removal from the mother's body and after 20 weeks of pregnancy. CDC

Fixed telephony: Public service of telephone lines connected to an automatic switchboard to establish communication between users without the intervention of an operator. PRN

Floods: Excess water disasters. Rainfall, overflowing rivers, tidal waves, and the breaking of dams are some of the causes. UN SPIDER

Follow-up tests: Regular medical check-ups, which may include a physical exam, blood tests, and imaging tests. NCI

Food: Natural or processed products to be ingested and digested, suitable, and pleasant to eat, which provide nutrients and energy, are free from contamination and have not been adulterated. EB

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO): UN agency specialized in food security and regular access to sufficient and good quality food to raise levels of nutrition, improve agricultural productivity, rural livelihoods, and economic growth. FAO

Food basket: A subgroup of essential foods that ensure a minimum intake of energy and nutrient requirements for the members of a household. PAHO

Food energy requirements: The amount of dietary energy required to balance energy expenditure to maintain body size, body composition, and a level of necessary and desirable physical activity consistent with good long-term health. FAO

Food insecurity: A situation where physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their daily energy needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life is not guaranteed at all times. FAO

Food needs: Food intake requirements in quantity, quality, and diversity adequate to the nutrients needed for physical and mental growth, development and maintenance, and physical activity, throughout the life cycle, according to gender and occupation. FAO