Gaps: Quantifiable differences between an indicator and a standard so that policies, programs, resources, and operational actions achieve acceptable design, coverage, performance, and results. RW
Gaseous chloride: Chemical used for water disinfection, and industrial processes. It must be handled with adequate systems and safety recommendations. ACC
Gender: Socio-cultural concepts of the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes adopted for men and women, which may generate inequalities that systematically favor one of the two groups. EU
Gender analysis: Collection and analysis of data and information to identify and understand the origin and differentiated consequences of gender-based problems, and to make visible the injustices and inequalities on these grounds. GC
Gender diversity: A term that recognizes that many people's preference and self-expression do not fit within commonly accepted gender norms. UNESCO
Gender equality: Principle of the gender approach that dismantles the culture, values, and traditional gender roles that reproduce and maintain the subordination of women in the economic, social, political, and cultural spheres. UN
Gender gap: Any disparity between the status or position of men and women in political, economic and/or social life. UNICEF
Gender marker: A tool to assess whether a humanitarian project is designed to ensure that women/girls and men/boys benefit equally, and contribute to gender equality. HR
Gender-age marker: A tool that assesses the degree to which humanitarian action integrates gender and age considerations. EU
Gender-Based Violence (GBV): Any harmful physical, verbal, sexual, psychological, or socio-economic act against a person, based on socially adjudicated differences (gender) between women and men. EU
Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM): Combination of moderate acute malnutrition and severe acute malnutrition. UNHCR
Global Camp Cluster: IOM-UNHCR co-lead Cluster on Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) to ensure assistance and protection to IDPs while seeking and advocating for durable solutions. CCCM
Global Education Cluster: UNICEF-led cluster to ensure a continuum of education for every child affected by humanitarian crisis, providing stability, access to essential services and protection from environmental hazards. GEC
Global Food Security Cluster: Cluster co-led by WFP and FAO to coordinate the food security response during humanitarian crises in major emergencies, whether sudden or protracted, through the provision of food and other supplements. GFSC
Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM): The UN fund that works in coordination with WHO and UNAIDS, and in partnership with donor and recipient countries, the private and public sectors, and civil society for programs to deliver essential medicines faster, and use more effective methods to end the HIV, tuberculosis, and/or malaria epidemics. UNAIDS