Safe and protective school environments: Learning environments that ensure safety, and encourage the protection and mental, emotional, and physical well-being of students from potential threats, abuses or physical, or psychosocial harms. INEE
Safety: Condition of being safe. It refers to the well-being and physical and personal integrity of people, as well as the enjoyment of an environment free of threats, without damage from physical, environmental, social, spiritual, political, emotional, or psychological damage. SPHERE
Safety zones: Delimited zones, areas or sites to protect civilians in times of conflict. The terms and conditions for establishing security zones are governed by the rules of armed conflict. UNHCR
School desertion: Temporary or permanent withdrawal from an education or training program before its completion. UNESCO
School dropout: A condition in which students are behind the educational level that corresponds to their age. UNESCO
School fees: Number of pupils enrolled in a given level of education, regardless of age. UNESCO
School insurance: Insurance that protects students in case of accident or injury caused by or in connection with studies. LIBERTY GROUP
Schooling: Students of any age, enrolled in a certain level of education. UNESCO
Screening tests: Tests for diseases and health problems before they cause signs or symptoms. They help detect problems early when they can be most easily treated. HOPKINS
Self-sufficiency: Action and result of providing oneself with what is necessary without having to resort to others. CD
Serious violations of human rights: Violations committed or permitted by States in breach of peremptory norms of international law, which can be prosecuted as crimes against humanity. OHCHR
Severe acute malnutrition: Dangerous thinness to height. It is defined as the percentage of children aged 6-59 months whose weight-for-height is below the standards. WHO
Severe food insecurity: People who often run out of food and may go a day or more without eating. FAO
Sewage water: It covers household effluents, such as sewage (excrement, urine, and fecal sludge) and gray water (sewage from washing and bathing), from commercial and institutional establishments, including hospitals, industries, and storm water and other urban, agricultural runoff, horticultural, and aquaculture. UNESCO
Sexual rights: Right of every person to be free from coercion, discrimination and violence related to their sexuality, including access to sexual and reproductive health care services. IPPF