Lack of teachers: Difference between the number of teachers currently employee and the number necessary to guarantee education of all students within defined proportions between student and teacher, and other variables. UNESCO

Land: Specific area of the earth's surface, including surface properties, soil, and climate, as well as any plant or animal resident therein. FAO

Large-scale corruption: Acts committed at the highest levels of government that involves the distortion of policies, or central functions of the state that allows leaders to benefit at the expense of the common good. TRANSPARENCY

Latin American and Caribbean Scale of Food Security (ELCSA): A low-cost and easy-to-apply method for measuring household food security, which allows determining different severity degrees of food insecurity (mild, moderate, and severe), making it useful for implementing national early warning systems and prevention policies. FAO

Latrine: Single pit for the deposit of excreta not connected to a sewage collection system. WHO

LGBTI people: Groups of people (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex) who are attracted to other people of the same sex, people with gender identities different from the sex they were assigned at birth, people with non-binary identities, and people whose sexual characteristics do not fit traditional definitions of male or female. OHCHR

Livelihood or subsistence: Capacities, goods or assets (including financial, natural, physical, material or social, political, and human resources), and the activities required to earn a living IFRC

Local partners: National or local organizations in a country experiencing a humanitarian crisis that are involved in humanitarian projects, plans, and programmes as partners of international humanitarian organizations.

Low birth weight: Birth weight less than 2,500 grams. UNICEF

Low weight: A compound form of malnutrition, which includes elements of stunting and wasting. WHO