Minimum wage: The minimum amount of remuneration that an employer is obliged to pay its employees for a certain period that cannot be reduced in a collective agreement or an individual agreement. ILO

Mobile telephony: A public telecommunications service whose aim is to facilitate telephone communication by subscribers without imposing restrictions on their location or movement. SCIENCE DIRECT

Moderate food insecurity: Persons belonging to households who are forced to change the quantity or quality of food as a result of uncertainties associated with their ability to access food. FAO

Monthly inflation: Percentage change in the Consumer Price Index between two successive months. This variation can be calculated for the CPI or for each of its divisions. EU

Mortality: Number, magnitude, or frequency of deaths in the population. WHO

Mortality from violent causes: Those deaths from homicide, suicide, or accidents of any kind. PAHO

Multidimensional poverty: Households and individuals with multiple disadvantages in the areas of health, education, and living standards. OPHI

Multiple discrimination: Situations of double or multiple discrimination, or when discrimination on one ground appears to be interrelated with others. EIGE