Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC): Tools and procedures that help classify the severity of food insecurity. The IPC has four functions: 1) to generate technical consensus, 2) to classify the severity and causes, 3) to communicate for action, and 4) to control quality. IPC

Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC): Chaired by the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC), it is the United Nations Humanitarian Coordination Forum for setting policies, protocols and ensuring coherence of response to humanitarian crises around the world. IASC

Internally displaced persons: Individuals, groups of individuals or communities forced to flee their homes or place of habitual residence due to serious threats to their lives, safety, freedom or livelihood, and have not crossed an internationally recognized state border. UNHCR

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): Independent agency to provide protection and humanitarian assistance to civilians, prisoners of war, internally displaced persons, and people at risk of being displaced by armed conflicts, internal strife, and other situations of violence. ICRC

International community: A legal community based on the protection of essential collective interests and values shared by all the parties, which seeks the joint achievement of international public order by virtue of the recognition of rules of mandatory law. UN PRESS

International Criminal Law (ICL): International principles and standards prohibiting and regulating procedures for certain categories of serious crimes or offences of the greatest concern to the international community. PHAP

International disinterest: Inaction or lack of commitment by countries and international bodies to resolve conflicts or crises in other countries. JBJV

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC): A global humanitarian organization with a mandate to carry out relief operations for disaster victims, as well as to provide health and strengthen its National Societies in disaster relief operations and public health emergencies. IFRC

International Human Rights Law (IHRL): Standards that establish the obligations of the States to recognize, respect, protect, and fulfill human rights both in times of peace and war. OHCHR

International humanitarian action operations: Assistance operations to save lives, limit extraordinary suffering, and prevent further harm to the population or damage to society. WHO

International Humanitarian Law (IHL): International principles and rules limiting war and armed conflict to protect people and property from humanitarian violence, including types of weapons. ICRC

International humanitarian system: A set of organizations, policy frameworks and operations established to respond to humanitarian crises, coordinated by UN bodies. OHCHR

International law: An international system of rules, institutions and procedures binding on all States without exception, whose purpose is to establish and regulate the conditions for peace, security, justice and respect for human rights worldwide. UN

International Organization for Migration (IOM): An agency that is part of the UN with a mandate to ensure the orderly and humane management of international migration, and to provide international assistance services in the field of migration. IOM

International Refugee Law (IRL): Principles and standards protecting the human rights of all persons who are refugees or forcibly displaced. UNHCR