Humanitarian accessHumanitarian effectivenessHumanitarian effortLife conditionsUnited Nations agencies

INFOGRAPHIC | OCHA: Venezuela 5W – Humanitarian Operational Presence 2023 – Who does What Where When & for Whom? as of 31 December 2023

OCHA | Venezuela | February 2, 2024

This report highlights:

  • In 2023, the humanitarian response reached 2.7 million people (51% women and girls) in 315 municipalities in all states of the country. This represents 52% of the target population.
  • The number of organizations reporting their activities in 2023 increased to 158, compared to 149 in 2022. Of these, 107 are national, representing 68% of the total.
  • The clusters serving the largest number of people were Health (2.1 million); Food Security and Livelihoods (900,000); and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (773,000).
  • 667,000 children and adolescents reached in interventions for access to balanced school meals with hygiene standards and family members who received food assistance in educational institutions.
  • In the intersectoral response, 361,000 people were reached with interventions focused on the repair/rehabilitation of water, sanitation and hygiene systems in health facilities. In addition, 73,000 people participated in mental health care and psychosocial support activities.

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