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Certain conditions apply: Venezuela could have food security in 6 years, but prices do not remunerate producers | via: Banca y Negocios

Banca y Negocios | Venezuela | April 23, 2023

Unofficial translation made by HumVenezuela…

“Commercialization in the past period was not good, therefore, we maintain our motto of Contract Farming because producers cannot plant blindly in terms of prices and commercialization,” says Celso Fantinel, president of Fedeagro.

As land preparation for the Winter 2023 cycle is about to begin, the Venezuelan Confederation of Agricultural Producers’ Associations (Fedeagro) requests that the marketing of the raw material for the next harvest be guaranteed.

Celso Fantinel, president of Fedeagro, stated that there is a motivation to maintain the 2022 corn planting area of 260,000 hectares.

“Commercialization in the past period was not good, therefore, we maintain our motto of Contract Farming because producers cannot plant blindly in terms of prices and commercialization,” says the leader quoted by the specialized portal Minuta Agropecuaria.

The head of Fedeagro pointed out that years ago the Government was an “impartial arbiter” in terms of commercialization, “now it is competition because the Executive buys food for the CLAPs”.

In this sense, Celso Fantinel said that they want to meet with the industrialists to reach prices that are beneficial for both parties, because the quotations for the producers “have collapsed,” he said.

Fantinel explained that when there is a shortage of raw material, it is more economical to import, but it must also be taken into account that it is necessary to support domestic production that is generating employment and economic growth.

“Those corn grains that come from other countries do not have the same quality, because they have been stored for a long time”, he points out.

The president of Fedeagro assured that primary producers are focused on food sovereignty and added that, in the case of white corn, Venezuelan farmers are already close to supplying 80% of the national demand; in yellow corn, 40% of the needs are already covered, while in rice, 50% of the requirements are satisfied with local harvest.

Fantinel also mentioned that the national sugar cane harvest is going for a third consecutive year of growth to cover a little more than 55% of the needs.

“We continue to struggle to improve and be competitive, because we have managed to export coffee, avocado and some fruits. Venezuela has the conditions. If we had security, financing, guarantees of fuel and energy supply we could, in about 6 years, have food security”, concluded Fedeagro’s president, Celso Fantinel.