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REPORT | UNICEF: Venezuela Situation Report May 2021 | via: Relief Web

UNICEF | July 14, 2021

Situation in Numbers

3,200,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA, 2020 HRP, July 2020) *
* Will be updated with 2021 HRP

232,800 COVID-19 laboratory-confirmed cases and 2,629 deaths
(WHO, 31 May 2021)

1,300,000 ** children and adolescents enrolled with access limitations to learning continuity due to COVID-19 (Education Cluster 2020)
** Estimates for pre-school, primary and secondary, public, and private schools.


  • In May 2021, 1,022 children under 15 years of age living with HIV (459 girls and 563 boys) received antiretroviral treatment (ART) according to their corresponding schemes, with UNICEF being the only provider of paediatric ART nationwide.
  • UNICEF provided 5,326 children aged 6–59 months old (2,515 girls and 2,811 boys) with multiple micronutrient supplementation for the prevention of dietary deficiencies, and 892 children (458 girls and 434 boys) with lipid-based nutritional supplementation (LNS-MQ) for the prevention of acute malnutrition.
  • Under the framework of World Menstrual Hygiene Day (28 May), UNICEF, the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) Cluster and the Gender-based Violence (GBV) Area of Responsibility (AoR) implemented Menstrual Hygiene Awareness activities for a week, including six workshops carried out with 18 partners, among which were several United Nations (UN) agencies.
  • In Táchira state, the Integrated Service Centre (CAINNAM by its Spanish acronym) provided protection services to 3,827 people (1,148 girls, 1,171 boys, 1,371 women and 137 men), with services to children and women living in host communities around the bordering city of San Antonio.
  • From January to May, UNICEF has distributed school supplies to 249,491 children (125,065 girls and 124,426 boys) in 19 states.

To download the report, click here.