CHE scaleCovid-19HealthHumanitarian effectivenessProtection of childrenUnited Nations agencies

UNICEF Venezuela Situation Report (Annual 2020): 1 January -31 December 2020

UNICEF | February 12, 2021

Situation in Numbers

3,200,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA July 2020)

113,558 COVID-19 laboratory confirmed cases and 1,028 deaths (WHO 31 December 2020)

1,300,000 * Children and adolescents enrolled with access limitations to learning continuity (Education Cluster 2020)

*estimations for pre-school, primary and secondary, public and private schools.


  1. UNICEF provided vital support and continuity to maternal, new-born and child health; supported routine immunisation services; supported enhancement of COVID-19 infection prevention and control; enhanced cold chain capacities and delivered antiretroviral treatment.
  2. UNICEF rehabilitated 14 rural and urban water supply systems across six states, reaching over 2,600,000 people.
  3. UNICEF reached 490,883 children under five and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) with nutrition services; prevention, identification and treatment of acute malnutrition among children; and identification and treatment of underweight PLW.
  4. UNICEF strengthened local child protection systems, expanding outreach to 103 Child Protection Councils in 15 states, benefitting 60,369 children with case management and protection measures.
  5. To ensure access to education and regular attendance through school feeding, UNICEF supported 104,916 children (54,145 girls and 50,771 boys) with necessary food elements and an appropriate dietary intake -distributed in food bags or prepared meals in school-, in eight states.
  6. UNICEF transitioned from field monitoring to remote monitoring, conducting almost 4,000 monitoring activities in more than 1,800 establishments in 22 out of 24 states.

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