Children and TeenagersHumanitarian effectivenessLife conditionsUnited Nations agencies

UNICEF: Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Appeal – Humanitarian Action for Children

UNICEF | February 9, 2021

UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children appeal helps support the agency’s work as it provides conflict- and disaster-affected children with access to water, sanitation, nutrition, education, health and protection services.

Appeal highlights

  • Children and adolescents in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela are affected by a triple burden: the protracted socio-economic and political situation; the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic; and mixed migration flows across international borders.
  • In 2021, UNICEF will implement an integrated, multi-sectoral response through its expanded field presence, focusing on providing life-saving interventions; strengthening monitoring systems; delivering incentives to retain professionals, including health workers and teachers; enhancing mechanisms for accountability to affected populations; mainstreaming gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse; and building local capacities.
  • UNICEF requires US$201.8 million to meet the humanitarian needs of Venezuelan children through life-saving support for water, education and health in an increasingly challenging operational environment.