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Venezuelan asylum seekers in the EU between January and April reached 5,785 | via: El Carabobeño

EFE | Venezuela | July 25, 2023 | Image: Referential

Unofficial translation made by HumVenezuela…

Asylum applications in the European Union (EU) reached 319,850 between January and April 2023, an increase of 35% compared to the 236,120 demands for international protection registered in the first four months of last year 2022, according to data from the Eurostat agency on Tuesday.

By nationality, the majority of asylum requests in April 2023 were made by Syrians (9,420) and Afghans (7,405), followed in third position by Venezuelans (5,785) and in fourth position by Colombians (4,770).

The community statistical office updated its database with the figures for April 2023, a month in which there were 72,630 asylum requests in the 27 EU member countries as a whole, which represents an increase of 34% over the same month of last 2022 (54,350 requests).

By countries, Spain was the second country of the community club that received the most asylum requests in April 2023, reaching 12,910 applications, only surpassed by Germany’s 20,950.

Spain was followed by France with 10,260 applications, and Italy with 8,175 applications. In total, Germany, Spain, France and Italy received almost three quarters (72 %) of all asylum claims made in the entire EU.

However, if the calculation is made proportionally with a ratio adjusted to the population of each country, Croatia and Cyprus were in April 2023 the countries with the highest influx of applications, reaching 1,097 applications per million inhabitants in Croatia and 702 in Cyprus.

The average for the EU as a whole, on the other hand, was 162 applications for international protection per million inhabitants.