Humanitarian effectivenessHumanitarian effortLife conditionsUnited Nations agencies

REPORT | OCHA: Venezuela 5W – Humanitarian Operational Presence 2024 – Who does What Where When & for Whom? as of 31 May 2024

OCHA | Venezuela | June 21, 2024

This report highlights:

  • Nearly 1.3 million people have been reached with the humanitarian response as of 31 May, an increase of 115,000 people compared to April.
  • Women and girls represent 59% of those reached, while indigenous populations 16%.
  • Humanitarian action has reached 281 municipalities, covering 84% of the country’s municipalities.
  • The clusters reaching the most people as of May wereFood Security and Livelihoods (549,000 people); Health (540,000 people) and  Protection (262,000 people).
  • The states with the highest number of people reached up to May wereCapital District (183,000 people), Bolívar (137,000 people) and Zulia (108,000 people).

To download the full report, please click here.