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R4V | Brazil: Situation Report – March 2022 

R4V | Brazil | May 5, 2022


  • On 16 March, the Federal Police issued Ordinance 28/2022 extending the validity of all migratory regularization documentation expired in the past two years, including for Venezuelans. The documents will be valid until 15 September 2022. This measure only applies to documents expired after 16 March 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, provided the document holder remained in the country throughout this period.
  • The Labour Prosecution Office (MPT) created a Working Group called “Venezuelan Migration Flow” to monitor and ensure compliance with labour standards for the employment of Venezuelan refugees and migrants, in coordination with the Operation Welcome Humanitarian Logistics. Among the activities proposed, the Working Group will support the Roraima Labour Prosecutor in the cities of Boa Vista and Pacaraima. The task force will also organize field visits to these cities, as well as Manaus, due to their high concentration of refugees and migrants from Venezuela in a situation of socio-economic vulnerability.

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