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OVF: Petare basket increased 4.69% in one week to US$37.94 (+prices) | via: Banca y negocios

Banca y negocios | Venezuela | June 19, 2023

Unofficial translation made by HumVenezuela…

A carton of eggs costs Bs. 140, a kilo of precooked corn flour costs Bs. 40 and a kilo of white cheese costs Bs. 122.

The Venezuelan Observatory of Finance (OVF) informed that the Petare Basket, in week 24 of the year 2023, was at Bs. 1,066 or US$37.94, for 8 food items of the Food Basket.

Likewise, it indicated on Twitter that the variation in prices in bolivars was 3.70%, while in dollars it was 4.69%.

A carton of eggs is priced at Bs. 140, a kilo of precooked corn flour costs Bs. 40 and a kilo of white cheese costs Bs. 122.

However, a kilo of beef costs Bs. 190, a liter of corn oil is priced at Bs. 168 and a kilo of sugar is marked at Bs. 40.

Meanwhile, a kilo of whole rice costs Bs. 42, while a kilo of ground coffee costs Bs. 324.

Price Observatory

Recently, the president of the National Association of Supermarkets and Self-Service Stores (ANSA), Italo Atencio, commented that they are creating a Price Observatory, which is still in the process of revision.

“We want to take it to the comparison with popular markets to see how the difference in prices is,” he added.

He said that due to the lack of official figures in the country, they are generating their own data.

In this sense, he indicated that in September 2022, they began to measure the ANSA Basket in an informal way, but in January 2023 the measurement was formalized.