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OAS: Situation Report: Venezuelan Migrant and Refugee Crisis (November 2020) | by: Relief Web

OAS | December 2, 2020


  • The closure of borders during the Covid-19 emergency and the deepening of the crisis in Venezuela, have led Venezuelans to cross irregular roads (trails) or cross dangerous maritime routes to flee the country, thus increasing their vulnerability condition.
  • To date, about 130 thousand Venezuelans have returned to their country. However, the economic reopening in countries such as Colombia, Peru and Ecuador has reduced the return and reactivated the outflow. Around 500 Venezuelans are entering Colombia on irregular roads daily.
  • A group of 29 Venezuelans, including 16 minors, was deported by the Trinidad and Tobago authorities on November 22. After a ruling by the Supreme Court of that country, 48 hours later they were able to return to the Caribbean country.

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