United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: UN human rights body with a mandate to monitor international treaties, cooperate with States and NGOs, conduct investigations, and submit proposals and reports. OHCHR

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR): UN agency with a mandate to protect and assist refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, and internally displaced persons, in both emergency and non-emergency situations.

United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR): UN agency for coordinating disaster reduction operations. UNDRR

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA): UN agency in charge of sexual and reproductive health to strengthen family planning, ensure safe motherhood, and eradicate gender-based violence. UNFPA

Universal health coverage: Guarantees of health services, prevention, and treatment, for the entire population, through a solid, effective, and well-managed health system that finances health services, access to essential medicines and technologies, and that has personnel from duly qualified and motivated health. WHO

Unsafe abortion: Procedure to terminating an unwanted pregnancy performed by people who lack the necessary capacity and/or an environment where a minimum medical standard is lacking. WHO

Unsafe housing: Housing in inadequate conditions related to construction deficiencies, lack of hygiene and sanitation, and/or comfort and privacy. WHO