Racial discrimination: Discrimination on the basis of race, color, lineage, or national or ethnic origin. OHCHR

Racism: Any theory, doctrine, ideology, or set of ideas that enunciate a causal link between the phenotypic or genotypic characteristics of individuals or groups and their intellectual, cultural, and personality traits, including the false concept of racial superiority. OAS

Raw water: Water that has not received any treatment found in surface and underground water sources, and nature reserves. Not all raw water can be subjected to purification processes. LAW INSIDER

Reconstruction: Actions aimed at restoring the operating conditions of a country that has been affected or devastated by conflict, disaster, or complex emergency, which seeks to repair the damage, create medium- and long-term plans and re-establish legal, political and institutional structures, as well as systems and programs that will make it possible to prevent the recurrence of the crisis and to return to the path of development. UNHRC

Recovery: Decisions, actions, and efforts to emerge from a crisis to rebuild, restore, or improve the living conditions of the affected populations and communities. It means rehabilitating or rebuilding infrastructure, restoring community life, meeting needs, and supporting victims. UNHCR

Refugee: The human right to international protection of people with well-founded fears of being persecuted on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, political opinions or membership in a particular social group (based on gender, sexual orientation and/or gender identity or the fact of belonging to a family), who are outside the country of origin and are unable or unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country or return to it, due to these fears. They are also people who have escaped from their countries of origin because their lives, security, or freedom are threatened due to widespread violence, foreign aggression, internal conflicts, massive violation of human rights or other circumstances that have seriously disturbed the public order. UNHCR

Regulatory school age: Ages at which all children and adolescents must attend compulsory basic education. UNICEF

Relapses and recrudescence: In relapses the symptoms of a disease reappear during the convalescence period. Recrudescence is the reappearance of the disease after it has healed. AIDSINFO

Remittances: Represent incomes from foreign economies generated mainly by the temporary or permanent migration of people. IMF

Reparations to victims: The right of victims of abuse or human rights violations to be compensated, themselves or their families, for damages and losses, caused. They include restitution, compensation, and rehabilitation, both individual and collective. ICTJ

Repression: Act, or set of acts, usually from power, to contain, stop or violently punish political or social actions. CD

Reproductive rights: The rights of all individuals and couples to freely and responsibly decide the number, timing, and spacing of their children, to have the information and means to do so, and to achieve the highest standard of sexual and reproductive health. OHCHR

Reservoirs: Large water deposits formed by dams or dikes to supply populations, produce electricity or irrigate lands. NG

Resilience: The ability of a person, community, or society to recover or reestablish themselves after going through difficult times or crises, and to take advantage of such adversities. WFP

Responsibility to Protect (RtoP): A measure of international protection in the face of the likelihood of crimes against humanity in a country or region that is based on three pillars: the responsibility of each State to protect its populations (first pillar); the responsibility of the international community to help States protect their populations (second pillar); and the responsibility of the international community to protect a State's populations when the State is manifestly failing to do so (third pillar). UN