Humanitarian evaluation: Assessment to determine (a) the impact of a humanitarian crisis, (b) the needs and risks, (c) the capacity available to respond to the needs, (d) the most appropriate forms of response, and (e) the potential to facilitate and accelerate recovery from the crisis. SPHERE

Humanitarian Evaluation MIRA: Assessment to identify strategic humanitarian priorities from the outset of a humanitarian crisis, based on the best available information from primary and secondary sources. IASC

Humanitarian gaps: Humanitarian assistance and protection gaps by identifying differences between needs and acceptable standards (norms and conditions). Gaps can be closed by providing direct external assistance or by increasing the capacity and resource base of the community. UNHCR

Humanitarian imperative: Principle of international law that establishes as a superior value the protection of the human person, as well as the nullity of any action that may cause damage to persons, or prevent them from being protected. ICRC

Humanitarian logistics: The process of planning, flow control, and efficient and cost-effective storage of goods and materials, as well as related information, from the point of origin to the point of consumption, in order to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable people. IFRC

Humanitarian needs: Assistance and protection requirements of human groups affected by humanitarian crises or emergencies, ensuring adequate rights and standards. OCHA

Humanitarian organizations: Independent organizations that provide external humanitarian assistance in emergencies in accordance with universally accepted principles and standards. They can be international or national. MFAD

Humanitarian Principles: Accepted standards among humanitarian actors that outline the framework and essential orientation of their work. They include the substantive principles of humanity and impartiality, and the operational principles of neutrality and independence. OCHA

Humanitarian Programme Cycle: Coordinated actions to prepare, manage, and deliver a humanitarian response comprising needs assessment, strategic planning, resource mobilization, implementation and monitoring, and operational review and evaluation. OCHA

Humanitarian response: Name given to the set of actions or operations that actors deploy within the framework of humanitarian architecture to respond to crises of large scale and severity that warrant external assistance and protection. UNHCR

Humanitarian space: Formed by the presence, relationships, and actions of actors who have a role in achieving humanitarian purposes related to the assistance and protection of people affected by humanitarian crises. OCHA

Hunger: Uncomfortable or painful physical sensation, caused by insufficient consumption of food energy. It can become chronic when a person does not regularly consume enough calories or food energy to lead a normal, active, and healthy life. Chronic hunger is also often referred to as undernourishment. FAO

Hydropower: Electricity generated by harnessing the energy of moving water. NG

Hygiene: Conditions and practices to maintain health and prevent diseases such as handwashing with soap or other agents, food hygiene, and personal hygiene, including washing clothes and cleaning the environment. WHO

Hygiene in health centers: Hygiene conditions and practices, in addition to the sterilization of equipment, the safe disposal of medical waste and the cleaning of floors, and walls in health centers. WHO