“HCM” Policy: Personal and/or group insurance for Hospitalization, Surgery, and Maternity (HCM) generally provided by private insurance companies that cover part of the beneficiary's medical and medical expenses. UWMEDICINE

Harvests: Separation of the mother plant from the vegetable portion that is of commercial interest, be they fruits or tubers. The harvest is the end of the cultivation stage and the beginning of the preparation or conditioning for the market. FAO

Health centers: Any establishment or service intended to contribute to the improvement of health or the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons. WHO

Health inequalities: Differences or gaps that impair or deprive of the right to health between different population groups. Health inequities are unfair and could be reduced by the right policy mix. WHO

Health insurance: Plans for coverage of medical expenses for health services and procedures for one or more persons. HDFC LIFE

Heat energy consumption: The amount of thermal, mechanical, and other energy that food can provide for the metabolic and physiological functions of humans and animals. It is measured in kilocalories (1 Kcal. = 1,000 calories per 100 grams of weight). FAO

Hemophilia: Congenital X-linked bleeding disorder caused by deficiency of clotting factor VIII (FVIII) (in the case of hemophilia A), or factor IX (FIX) (in the case of hemophilia B). The deficiency is the result of mutations in the respective clotting factor genes. WHO

HIV in emergencies: Comprehensive response to HIV/AIDS in humanitarian crises whose prevalence is exacerbated by poverty, inefficiency and social instability, and increases people's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS due to fragmentation of families and communities, increased risks of violence, and sexual exploitation to meet basic needs IASC

HIV/AIDS: Human Immunodeficiency Virus which, without access to regular antiretroviral treatment, follow-up testing and medical services, can cause AIDS disease and lead to death. WHO

Hostels or shelters: A space that serves as a shelter for those fleeing from war or armed conflicts who urgently need a roof over their heads while they wait to return home. UNHCR

Hostilities: Posture or aggressive action against others, usually with the deliberate intent to harm. Hostilities may warn of attacks in preparation. CD

Household/Homes: Individuals or groups of individuals who reside in the same house and share a budget. UN

Human mobility: Mobilization of persons from one place to another in the exercise of their right to free movement and transit, whether they are leaving or returning, or for the purpose of settling elsewhere than in their previous place of residence. UN

Human rights: Rights inherent the dignity of every person who must enjoy and exercise fully by the mere fact of being so, whose guarantees are obligations for States to be fulfilled without excuse and are enforceable and justiciable in all circumstances. UN

Human Rights Council: An intergovernmental body within the UN system composed of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights worldwide. OHCHR