Global Health Cluster: A WHO-led cluster for action in humanitarian crises to reduce avoidable mortality, morbidity, and disability, and restore the equitable provision of and access to health care as quickly as possible and in a sustainable manner.  WHO

Global Logistics Cluster: WFP-led cluster as a coordination mechanism to ensure coordination, information and access to logistics services, as well as expertise for decisions in humanitarian logistics and contingencies. WFP

Global Nutrition Cluster: UNICEF-led cluster to support the coordination of timely, quality and adequate response to the nutritional needs of populations affected by humanitarian crises. GNC

Global Protection Cluster: UNHCR-led cluster for the protection of the rights of persons in humanitarian crises. The cluster includes agencies such as UNICEF on child protection, UNFPA on gender-based violence, NRC on land, housing and property, and UNMAS on mine action. GPC

Global Shelter Cluster: Shared IFRC-UNHCR leadership cluster to support people affected by disasters and IDPs with the means to live in safe, dignified and appropriate shelter. GSC

Global WASH cluster: Cluster led by UNICEF as the lead agency providing WASH in emergencies and coordinating efforts in WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene). WASH CLUSTER

Gross Domestic Product (GDP): Monetary value of all goods and services purchased by the final consumer produced by a country in a given period within its borders. IMF

The Grand Bargain: Agreement between major donors and humanitarian organizations to intensify assistance to people in need through changes in work practices, including reinforcing transparency, reducing management costs, doing more joint humanitarian evaluations, expanding CASH programs, strengthen the development nexus, promote greater participation of affected people in decisions and support more national actors, for example, achieving that 25% of global humanitarian financing is invested in strengthening their long-term institutional capacities. IASC